Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why I Chose Hockey

Hi guys, although this blog is about the history of hockey, I'm going to start by explaining why I chose to blog about this and what I'm trying to accomplish by blogging about this topic. I chose to blog about hockey mainly because it is my favorite sport. As a current player on a varsity high school hockey team and fan of hockey on both the professional and collegiate levels I feel that I can help spread the sport and help it to gain the national recognition I feel it deserves. Unfortunately due to a lockout of the National Hockey league, I haven't been able to watch very much hockey on TV and it can be difficult to get out to college games during the week. The sports that this country mainly focuses on are basketball, baseball, and football but I believe hockey is far more interesting to watch than any of these other sports. Basically, I love hockey and I feel that there are a lot of people that should open themselves up to appreciate it as well, which is why I'm writing this blog.

I created this blog to tell my viewers why I love hockey and why I think they should do the same. I think hockey is commonly overlooked sport in America, ESPN for example, has probably never aired anything that could resemble a hockey game, but they air college basketball and football games on ESPN, ESPN2, and all other forms of ESPN that may exist. This bothers me because hockey is the fastest game in the world and it is action packed with big hits and shots every second. Football has ads every 5 minutes and there is a 5 second play every 45 seconds, I don't see how football can be more interesting to watch. The end of any close basketball game is about as painful as it gets, with timeouts and fouls every 5 seconds it is almost impossible to watch. Personally I think college hockey is the most fun to watch because the players are more competitive and they are always trying their hardest because they want to get drafted into the NHL, whereas the NHL players can slack off at times.

What do you think about hockey? Is it overlooked? What are your favoirte teams to watch? What are your thoughts about the current NHL lockout?

1 comment:

Mike Sweeney said...

Nice job! Hopefully we will have a season soon!!!

Mr. Sweneey